Welcome to The Chief's Corner

As of 1/1/2023 we have 2 new promotions. Lieutenant Anthony Genga has been promoted to Deputy Chief and Lieutenant Thomas Valdivia has been promoted to Captain.

Happy New Year!!
As we begin the new year I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our team members for all that they have done this past year. This new year promises to be even better as we keep

Good Evening. The Northbridge Board of Health has been monitoring cases of COVID-19 and has noted a significant increase in cases. As of November 10th we are reporting 48 active cases in the Town of Northbridge. The Board of Health

Congratulations!! to Ethan Santiago
We would like to say “Congratulations!!” to our very own Firefighter, Ethan Santiago, who graduated from the Career #Recruit Firefighting Training Program today!! https://www.mass.gov/news/three-firefighter-recruit-classes-graduate

PRESS RELEASE – NO NEW or ACTIVE Cases of COVID-19 – June 30th
The Northbridge Board of Health has been notified that as of the date of this Press Release, there are no new and no existing cases at this time. All of the previously noted 309 cases are considered closed or recovered.

PRESS RELEASE – Cases of COVID-19 – June 16th
The Northbridge Board of Health has been notified of Three Hundred Eight (308) confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Town of Northbridge as of the date of this Press Release. Please note that the identity of these individuals cannot be

Fire Station Project Zoom Forum
Thursday, June 18, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time Topic: Fire Station Project Zoom Forum Time: Thursday, June 18, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time The Town Manager is hosting this Forum to discuss the Fire Station Project in advance of the

PRESS RELEASE – Cases of COVID-19 – June 9th
The Northbridge Board of Health has been notified of Three Hundred Nine (309) confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Town of Northbridge as of the date of this Press Release. Please note that the identity of these individuals cannot be