Thursday, June 18, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time
Topic: Fire Station Project Zoom Forum
Time: Thursday, June 18, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time
The Town Manager is hosting this Forum to discuss the Fire Station Project in advance of the Town Meeting which will be held next week on June 23rd and ahead of the Town Election which takes place on June 30th.
During the Forum the Town Manager will provide an overview of the Feasibility Study including site selection, costs, and tax payer impacts. The Design Team will also be able to answer any questions as it relates to the project that has been proposed.
To join the meeting, please join with the following link or dial up number; along with Meeting ID and Password.
Join Zoom Meeting
Dial by your location
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 878 4779 0768
Password: 614095
This Post Has One Comment
Hi Chief,
First congratulations on getting the new station approved – Nice job ! Was wondering what is happening with the firestation build? When is the project expected to break ground? I thought you wanted to have it operational about this same time next year – 2021.