PRESS RELEASE – Cases of COVID-19 – June 16th

The Northbridge Board of Health has been notified of Three Hundred Eight (308) confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Town of Northbridge as of the date of this Press Release. Please note that the identity of these individuals cannot be released. Public health officials identify contacts of case-patients and notify those individuals of their exposure so that they will take protective measures. Please note the following information that can be provided:

Read the full Press Release Here

June 16th Stats

Note that these numbers may be different than the State’s weekly reports due to discrepancies that may occur in terms of reporting between the MA DPH and the electronic reporting system used by municipalities. The State is expected to issue weekly reports of “Confirmed COVID-19 Cases in MA by City/Town” on their website at

The number of cases in Massachusetts continues to rise. As of this Press Release, the State MEMA Office has confirmed 105,690 total cases here in Massachusetts, with 7,647 COVID-19 related deaths. Patients tested by MA State Public Health Laboratory, hospitals, and commercial laboratories is 712,875.

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