2022 Charity Softball Game - NFD vs NPD

We have secured Anzios Brick Oven Pizza and All purpose bakery. Anzios has a brick oven pizza truck. All Purpose Bakery truck has hamburgers, hotdogs, sausage and cookies. Plan ahead and grab your tickets now.
Tickets are now on sale for:
charity softball game !!
When : June 4, 2022
Rain date : June 5, 2022
Time : 12:00 p.m.
Where : Jack Ryan field at the American Legion Complex , 198 Church Ave Northbridge
Purchase your tickets below. We are also selling tickets at the police station and will selling tickets at the gate.
ALL proceeds will go to charity !
We will have food trucks on site, the concession stand will be open to help support Northbridge Junior Baseball League and we have a MC on stand by for music and to announce the games .
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NFD vs NPD Charity Softball Ticket
$5 pet ticket. Scan the QR code or use the button below to buy a ticket through Unipay